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© 2024
From Vienna

... to the pannonia-ring you are at the track after a 1.5 hours drive(127 km).
Take the A2 (Südautobahn) south and leave at the exit Guntramsdorf. Then you follow the A3 to the border crossing Klingenbach/Sopron. From there on the well constructed federal road 84 (always in direction Plattensee [Balaton felé]) takes you after about 55 km to the spa city Sárvár, which is close to the pannonia-ring.

From Graz

.. to the pannonia-ring the journey is an about 1.5 hours drive (140 km).
From Graz You take the A2 (Südautobahn). Look out for the federal road B50 and follow it to the border crossing at Oberwart/Szombathely. There you take the roads B89 and B86/88 in direction Plattensee (Balaton felé) to Sárvár.

In Sárvár

... you go left on the first traffic lights, and again left on the next one. Follow the main road and leave to the left after the 2nd bridge (there is a big sign "Pannoniaring"). Now follow that road though the woods for about 8 km until you see the track.

Wellcome to the pannonia-ring!

For everyone who has a different starting point we have tested some online online driving directions. We recomment ot use ViaMichelin.

Simply enter your city of departure and "Ostffyasszonyfa" as the destination and your about to go...

See you at pannonia-ring!

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